

Principles: Life and Work

Principles: Life and Work
きれいな飲料水は健康の基礎です。 TOTIE-RF-3375の蛇口は、通常の水道水を清潔で新鮮な飲料水に変えます。 蛇口からすぐに、鮮明で清潔な水を体験してください。 フィルターは3ヶ月以内に交換することをお勧めします。

究極の純度: このフィルターは水ろ過に革命的な技術を使用し、不純物を減らし、新鮮な水を提供します。
優れた水:汚染物質を取り除き、毎口を清潔でリフレッシュ。 3ヶ月または100ガロンのパリッとした味の水を直接蛇口から楽しむことができます。
交換モデル:PUR RF-9999ウォーターフィルター。PUR Advanced Faucet MountsとPUR AdvancedPlus蛇口マウントと一緒に使用。 このフィルターは、PURによって供給またはスポンサーされていません。 メーカー名と部品番号は参照目的にのみ使用されています。
Item Model
Technical Specification
Item Weight‏: ‎852.75 g
Manufacturer‏: ‎purs
Brand: purs n/a CamelBak
All Variant
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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 23, 2017

It is incredible just how humble Dalio is. The book makes you think about your own thought processes, making you ask yourself "how do i know i am right?".Dalio does a great job explaining how to use real empathy and get into somebody elses head as well as how to make great decisions by really being honest with yourself and questioning what you know.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 23, 2017

It is incredible just how humble Dalio is. The book makes you think about your own thought processes, making you ask yourself "how do i know i am right?".Dalio does a great job explaining how to use real empathy and get into somebody elses head as well as how to make great decisions by really being honest with yourself and questioning what you know.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 25, 2020

This has been one of the most frustrating books I’ve ever read! I was very excited to order the book for my birthday, much to its highly acclaimed reviews but this book is worse than waiting for your delivery man to come with your food, whilst your hungry.I’m a fast reader, but even this book which was 600 pages too long could not keep me excited and motivated. I ended up skimming the second half of the book as I could not afford to lose more time.The book is extremely repetitive (if you read just the bullet points you will know what I mean).If you’re looking for a business book or how to make money, this is not the book. This is a self- help guide on how to form better relationships with other humans, and manage teams within an organisation. It doesn’t teach you anything new and the words “radical transparency” and “idea meritocracy” is repeated way too much, it loses its value. The diagrams are overly confusing, although I admired the thoughts behind on how it works- it could have been much clearer.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 25, 2020

This has been one of the most frustrating books I’ve ever read! I was very excited to order the book for my birthday, much to its highly acclaimed reviews but this book is worse than waiting for your delivery man to come with your food, whilst your hungry.I’m a fast reader, but even this book which was 600 pages too long could not keep me excited and motivated. I ended up skimming the second half of the book as I could not afford to lose more time.The book is extremely repetitive (if you read just the bullet points you will know what I mean).If you’re looking for a business book or how to make money, this is not the book. This is a self- help guide on how to form better relationships with other humans, and manage teams within an organisation. It doesn’t teach you anything new and the words “radical transparency” and “idea meritocracy” is repeated way too much, it loses its value. The diagrams are overly confusing, although I admired the thoughts behind on how it works- it could have been much clearer.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 19, 2018

Can’t recommend highly enough. The only fair comment I noticed when looking at lower rating reviews (as I was curious what would warrant a low rating), was that some sections are a bit general and you’d be better off reading other books.That’s exactly how it should be. This book gives you the overarching framework, the structure. If there are ideas and concepts mentioned in this book that you want to know more about - then research them in more detail yourself. This book is flawless.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 19, 2018

Can’t recommend highly enough. The only fair comment I noticed when looking at lower rating reviews (as I was curious what would warrant a low rating), was that some sections are a bit general and you’d be better off reading other books.That’s exactly how it should be. This book gives you the overarching framework, the structure. If there are ideas and concepts mentioned in this book that you want to know more about - then research them in more detail yourself. This book is flawless.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 17, 2018

A really proper good book showing how Ray Dalio built Bridgewater and operated the entire time with a solid set of life and work principles.Touching at times (especially the life principles) but also enlightening. Bridgewater sounds like a great place to work.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 17, 2018

A really proper good book showing how Ray Dalio built Bridgewater and operated the entire time with a solid set of life and work principles.Touching at times (especially the life principles) but also enlightening. Bridgewater sounds like a great place to work.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 2, 2019

I've read a lot of business books and this is one of the very best. Many are on similar themes but this provides a genuinely different perspective to most of the others.Ray has been massively successful and it's fantastic to hear him share his principles.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 2, 2019

I've read a lot of business books and this is one of the very best. Many are on similar themes but this provides a genuinely different perspective to most of the others.Ray has been massively successful and it's fantastic to hear him share his principles.

Reviewed in Italy on May 23, 2018

Principles', a collection of Self-Help style banalities that could have been written down on a few pages - blown into a 500+ page book.Whether he is wrestling with philanthropy or outlining his take on people Mr. Dalio seems to be disconnected from his target audience (what is it by the way?), reciting one trite message after another. Here is one example, worth one full page in the book: 'BAD: Avoid facing "harsh realities"'; 'GOOD: Face "harsh realities". The 5 step process he outlines 'to get what you want out of life' is, to put it mildly, unoriginal:1. Have clear goals2. Identify and don't tolerate the problems that stand in the way of your achieving those goals3. Accurately diagnose the problems to get at their root causes4. Design plans that will get you around them5. Do what's necessary to push those designs through to resultsThis is the sort of advice one expects from late night infomercials, not from a guy who has 150 billion under management. The rest of the book is a mix of so many such platitudes they start to grind you down (opening a page at random: 'a great organization has both great people and a great culture').Speaking of culture, Mr Dalio is at his best when espousing his concept of 'Radical Transparency', where people are expected to always speak their mind and rate each other quantitatively. It's an intriguing philosophy and I would have liked much more detail on how to implement, test and practice this new sociological Principle that we all know worked so well for us in kindergarten. I would also be curious to better understand the kind of culture that it resulted in, the opinion of people who have been through it and found it beneficial - and those who have not. But this tome is about breadth, not depth.Other than for that, and a few pages at the beginning of the book where Mr. Dalio recounts his early days, I found this book a frustrating time waster. Perhaps I expected to read more about the part of the Principles that did not make it into the book, Economic and Investment Principles. They will apparently be the subject of a follow on book. If they are written in the style of 'Life and Work', don't count me as a customer.

Reviewed in Italy on May 23, 2018

Principles', a collection of Self-Help style banalities that could have been written down on a few pages - blown into a 500+ page book.Whether he is wrestling with philanthropy or outlining his take on people Mr. Dalio seems to be disconnected from his target audience (what is it by the way?), reciting one trite message after another. Here is one example, worth one full page in the book: 'BAD: Avoid facing "harsh realities"'; 'GOOD: Face "harsh realities". The 5 step process he outlines 'to get what you want out of life' is, to put it mildly, unoriginal:1. Have clear goals2. Identify and don't tolerate the problems that stand in the way of your achieving those goals3. Accurately diagnose the problems to get at their root causes4. Design plans that will get you around them5. Do what's necessary to push those designs through to resultsThis is the sort of advice one expects from late night infomercials, not from a guy who has 150 billion under management. The rest of the book is a mix of so many such platitudes they start to grind you down (opening a page at random: 'a great organization has both great people and a great culture').Speaking of culture, Mr Dalio is at his best when espousing his concept of 'Radical Transparency', where people are expected to always speak their mind and rate each other quantitatively. It's an intriguing philosophy and I would have liked much more detail on how to implement, test and practice this new sociological Principle that we all know worked so well for us in kindergarten. I would also be curious to better understand the kind of culture that it resulted in, the opinion of people who have been through it and found it beneficial - and those who have not. But this tome is about breadth, not depth.Other than for that, and a few pages at the beginning of the book where Mr. Dalio recounts his early days, I found this book a frustrating time waster. Perhaps I expected to read more about the part of the Principles that did not make it into the book, Economic and Investment Principles. They will apparently be the subject of a follow on book. If they are written in the style of 'Life and Work', don't count me as a customer.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 28, 2019

This is very special book to me. It is true that it contains lots of details about the author's and his company principles but it contains special gifts that I have not hear about before. The meritocracy approach is new approach that make Bridgewater Company on of the top investment companies in the world. I did not know that there is middle or better level between autocracy and democracy in life and work. Now I know what it is and how it works. I recommend this book for start-up companies and new entrepreneur.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 28, 2019

This is very special book to me. It is true that it contains lots of details about the author's and his company principles but it contains special gifts that I have not hear about before. The meritocracy approach is new approach that make Bridgewater Company on of the top investment companies in the world. I did not know that there is middle or better level between autocracy and democracy in life and work. Now I know what it is and how it works. I recommend this book for start-up companies and new entrepreneur.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 9, 2020

This book is mainly about life style philosophies and organizational management/governance. However, I was expecting some chapters devoted to Ray Dalio's investment strategies which I could not find in the audio book nor his numerous references to the apps or PDF's.

Confronting asymmetrical power: Empowering Brazil's rural communities to assert their legal ...
Justiça nos Trilhos (Justice on the Rails, Brazil). Interviewed by Júlia Mello Neiva and Sif Thorgeirsson (to read in Portuguese, click here) Danilo Chammas is a lawyer and human rights activist with ...

The "Pink Wash": what has changed for women's human rights and business?
Since the end of 1979, it has been recognised that international human rights instruments cannot be met without addressing gender discrimination. The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discriminatio ...

Confronting asymmetrical power: Empowering Brazil's rural communities to assert their legal ...
Justiça nos Trilhos (Justice on the Rails, Brazil). Interviewed by Júlia Mello Neiva and Sif Thorgeirsson (to read in Portuguese, click here) Danilo Chammas is a lawyer and human rights activist with ...

The "Pink Wash": what has changed for women's human rights and business?
Since the end of 1979, it has been recognised that international human rights instruments cannot be met without addressing gender discrimination. The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discriminatio ...

The "Pink Wash": what has changed for women's human rights and business?
Since the end of 1979, it has been recognised that international human rights instruments cannot be met without addressing gender discrimination. The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discriminatio ...

UN leaders urge companies relying on shipping supply chains to undertake urgent measures to ...
A wide-ranging human rights checklist has today been issued to business enterprises engaged with the maritime industry to protect seafarers stranded on ships due to new COVID-19 variants and governmen ...

ロンドン株式市場は続伸して取引を終え た。FTSE100種は18カ月ぶりの高値を付け、金融株に 加え、工業や生活必需品などの輸出銘柄が大きく上昇したのがけん引し た。買収提案を受けた航空部品のメギットが大幅高となり、中型株で構 成するFTSE250種指数は過去最高値となった。 メギットは16.1%上昇し、過去最高値を付けた。米同 業のトランスダイム・グループから初期の買収提案を受けたこ とが好感さ ...

<ロンドン株式市場> 続伸して取引 を終えた。FTSE100種は18カ月ぶりの高値を付け、金 融株に加え、工業や生活必需品などの輸出銘柄が大きく上昇したのがけ ん引した。買収提案を受けた航空部品のメギットが大幅高となり、中型 株で構成するFTSE250種指数は過去最高値となった。 メギットは16.1%上昇し、過去最高値を付けた。米同 業のトランスダイム・グループから初期の買収提案を受けたこ とが好 ...

Confronting asymmetrical power: Empowering Brazil's rural communities to assert their legal ...
Justiça nos Trilhos (Justice on the Rails, Brazil). Interviewed by Júlia Mello Neiva and Sif Thorgeirsson (to read in Portuguese, click here) Danilo Chammas is a lawyer and human rights activist with ...

The "Pink Wash": what has changed for women's human rights and business?
Since the end of 1979, it has been recognised that international human rights instruments cannot be met without addressing gender discrimination. The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discriminatio ...

The "Pink Wash": what has changed for women's human rights and business?
Since the end of 1979, it has been recognised that international human rights instruments cannot be met without addressing gender discrimination. The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discriminatio ...

UN leaders urge companies relying on shipping supply chains to undertake urgent measures to ...
A wide-ranging human rights checklist has today been issued to business enterprises engaged with the maritime industry to protect seafarers stranded on ships due to new COVID-19 variants and governmen ...

ロンドン株式市場は続伸して取引を終え た。FTSE100種は18カ月ぶりの高値を付け、金融株に 加え、工業や生活必需品などの輸出銘柄が大きく上昇したのがけん引し た。買収提案を受けた航空部品のメギットが大幅高となり、中型株で構 成するFTSE250種指数は過去最高値となった。 メギットは16.1%上昇し、過去最高値を付けた。米同 業のトランスダイム・グループから初期の買収提案を受けたこ とが好感さ ...

<ロンドン株式市場> 続伸して取引 を終えた。FTSE100種は18カ月ぶりの高値を付け、金 融株に加え、工業や生活必需品などの輸出銘柄が大きく上昇したのがけ ん引した。買収提案を受けた航空部品のメギットが大幅高となり、中型 株で構成するFTSE250種指数は過去最高値となった。 メギットは16.1%上昇し、過去最高値を付けた。米同 業のトランスダイム・グループから初期の買収提案を受けたこ とが好 ...

バンダイは8月24日、LINE FRIENDSのグローバルキャラクターブランド「BT21」のデザインをモチーフにしたチルドデザート「BT21いちごタルト」を全国の「ファミリーマート」(一部店舗を除く)で発売する。数量限定で、なくなり次第販売終了。

アートワーク管理ソフトウェアの市場規模、2028年に9億4280万米ドル ...
アートワーク管理ソフトウェアの市場規模は、2020年の4億6905万米ドルから、2028年には9億4280万米ドルに達し、2021年から2028年の間に9.2%のCAGRで成長すると予想されています。 アートワーク管理ソフトウェア市場の成長の背景には、製薬・ライフサイエンスビジネスの拡大があります。世界中で医薬品やその他のライフサイエンス要素の需要が高まっていることから、アートワーク管理ツールは主 ...

浜崎あゆみ、LIVE DVD&Blu-ray『MUSIC for LIFE ~return~』アートワーク ...
浜崎あゆみ、LIVE DVD&Blu-ray『MUSIC for LIFE ~return~』アートワーク&ダイジェストなど公開 浜崎あゆみが、2021年9月8日にリリースするLIVE DVD&Blu-ray『ayumi hamasaki MUSIC for LIFE ~return~』のアートワークとダイジェストムービーを公開した。 その他の画像 本作には、6月に舞浜アンフィシアターにて開催され ...

yama、1stアルバム『the meaning of life』アートワーク公開 ジャケットは ...
初回盤、通常盤共にボーナストラック3曲含めた全14曲を収録し、yamaのメジャーデビュー以降発表してきた楽曲を中心に、今回アルバムのために制作した未発表楽曲も収められる。 今回アルバムのアートワークをディレクションしたのはスタイリストの服部昌孝とアートディレクターの小酒井祥悟のタッグ。yamaの顔型を使用したスノードームの制作は、yamaのマスクを手掛けている快歩が担当している。また、制作風景を撮 ...

警官目指す女性へ助言 県警オンライン説明会
参加者に警察の仕事内容などについて説明する採用担当者 女性警察官の採用拡大を目指し、県警は10日、女性限定の採用説明会をオンラインで開催した。県内外の専門学校生や高校生など13人が参加。現役女性警察官の体験談などを聞き、仕事内容やワークライフバランスへの理解を深めた。